Dennis Lichtman


Home of NYC multi-instrumentalist Dennis Lichtman's bands and projects.

Dennis on HBO's The Plot Against America

Episode 5 of HBO’s The Plot Against America aired tonight, and in addition to a couple of brief on-screen appearances (in a pink tuxedo), I was happy to hear two of my original compositions in the soundtrack!

The show is an adaptation of Philip Roth’s novel of the same name, set in early 1940’s New Jersey. I’m the bandleader at the wedding of Rabbi Bengelsdorf (John Turturro) and Evelyn Finkel (Winona Ryder). I got to choose my band and was happy to bring along two fellow Lovestruck Balladeers (Jake and Sean), one fellow Brain Clouder (Kevin), as well as Walter & Danny who are genius brassmen and helluva guys.

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